How do I deal with a child's delayed language? Very important tips and tricks

child's delayed language

recent studies indicate that early intervention in treating any problem facing a child reduces the effects of this problem on him when he grows up. First of all, we have to know the main causes so that it is easy for us to know the treatment.

1. Assess the child's condition to know his communication needs.

2. Talk to the child regularly, read stories to him early in his life, sing to him and keep him entertained.

3. Responding to the child's hum and first words and communicating with him.

4. Listen to the child well and look him in the eye when talking to him.

5. Talking to the child with a childish melody, as children instinctively pay attention to each sound whose melody is close to their own.

6. Supervising the upbringing of the child directly and staying away from foreign nannies so as not to cause the child to suffer from a language disorder.

7. Urging the child who suffers from delayed speech to play and integrate with other children to strengthen his language and acquire more words.

8. Ask the child a lot of questions in order to integrate him and urge him to talk as much as possible, and play face-to-face interaction games with him.

9. Not to criticize linguistic and expressive errors and grammar in the child's speech.

10. Not make fun of the child because of his incorrect pronunciation of words so that he does not lose his self-confidence and the problem will increase.

11. Training the child to ask for things around him and not to keep up easily when he asks by crying.

12. Use the sign with speech, and repeat and paraphrase what you say.

13. Linguistically modifying what the child says to become close to what adults say.

14. Make sure that the child listens to you while you are talking to him.

15. Sit with the child in a quiet place while interacting with him, away from noise and distractions.

16. Be patient with the child and give him enough time to respond so that he does not worry.

17. Stay away from complex words and jargon that may incapacitate him.

18. Keeping the child away from the television and the phone, especially cartoon films, because they contain quick and long sentences that are difficult for him to repeat.

19. No matter how big your child's mistakes, hitting him will make him lose his focus and destroy his innocence, so avoid hitting.

20. The child feels safe while talking to him, as this makes him stable.

21. Help the child relate the sounds he is listening to with their real names.

22. Try to use all the child's senses and benefit from them in acquiring language.

23. Teach the child to imitate the different sounds he hears in the environment around him.

24. Be sure to see a speech therapist to provide the necessary help and advice.

In addition to making the appropriate treatment plan for the child's condition.

Among the signs that alert you to a speech defect in your child, which requires contacting a speech therapist, we find the following.

1. Poor social interaction in the child:

Language development is closely related to social interaction. The child uses language in his interaction with others, and thus his language abilities and skills development as a result of using it in several social contexts. The following signs indicate the presence of a problem in the child:

If the child has not laughed and smiled at others by the age of 3-4 months or older.

If he doesn't raise his hands when you tell him to 'close' at 8-9 months or older.

If he does not respond to his name at the age of 12 months or more.

If he does not play with children appropriately two years of age or older.

2. If he does not play in a participatory manner with children of three years of age or older:

The child makes some sounds on a few occasions when he is 10-12 months old. The normal child starts making sounds starting from the first month of his life and then these sounds increase with his age, so babbling appears at the age of about six months, then babbles like Bababa. dadadada. Here, the parents have to compare the child with his brother or one of his relatives. If he makes little sounds, the parents should review the speech pathologist, who in turn will guide the parents on the appropriate steps and stages for diagnosing the child M if there is a problem.

3. That the father and mother do not understand the words of the 18-24-month-old child:

 Usually, the words of a normal child at the age of 18-24 months are not understood by others, but the father and mother understand his words well, but in the case of the child’s speech being incomprehensible even to the father and mother, here the child may suffer from a problem.

 4. That the child does not produce a sentence of two words:

 Like 'Where's Daddy, I want Mama' at two or two and a half years old, a normal child starts using a two-word sentence around the age of two, and delays in producing sentences indicate a problem.

5. The 3-year-old, three-and-a-half-year-old does not understand the commands:

 Such as: Give me, take, come.. or colours or not count to three. A normal child understands some verbs at the age of one to two years and begins to understand colours at the age of between two and a half and three years, and in case the child is late in understanding these concepts.

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