Are you a bad mother? 6 signs you need to know

bad mother

A bad mother is a set of behaviors that can seriously harm your child's behavior and personality.

Being a bad parent is not just one behavior, it is a series of behaviors that can lead to harm to the baby.

Some moms don't realize the repercussions of their actions, and others may not even care.

1- bad example

Many parents do nothing to prevent their child from adopting bad behavior or bad habits. Parents who belong to this type often close their eyes when their child shows improper behaviour.

If you are one of the mothers who yells and swears in front of children, it is very normal for your children to do the same. Perhaps for the same reason, your children smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, or become addicted at a young age and experiment with prohibited substances.

2- Rejecting children when they need affection

Children need the arms of a tender mother to reassure them, especially when they are young or injured. Do not take your child away when he needs your help.

3- You waste your time on your children

We understand how difficult it is for working mothers to take care of their children outside of their busy schedule, especially single mothers.

But if you focus only on your child's work, financial stability, school results, etc., and ignore the rest, you will find yourself overwhelmed with anxiety.

Remember: they are babies and they need their mother from time to time, especially to hear your words of peace and love.

4- Comparison

For example, let's say your friend's son is a great student, helps his mom with the housework, and takes music lessons. It's important to remember that each child is unique in their own way, has their own characteristics and comparisons are completely inappropriate in this case.

The child will think that he is worse than others, and will have a bad and wrong idea of ​​his own importance.

5- Constant criticism

Do you know the phrase “my mom never sees anything good”? This kind of mom doesn't like anything and always strives for perfection, because things often don't meet her high standards.

The most effective forms of criticism include teasing or describing it as sympathetic outwardly, such as: "He's our lazy kid" or "He's a stubborn/evil little guy."

This toxic mom is also able to spot flaws in an ideal situation. And her excessive pursuit of perfection may give you the impression that no matter what you do, you will never be good enough.

6- Preference or discrimination

It can be very difficult for parents to say clearly that they prefer one child over another. We might think that the preferred child would get all the positive attention, but this is not the case.

In fact, whether you are the favorite child or not, the idea of ​​unequal treatment has detrimental effects on all brothers and sisters.

In many families, boys benefit from preferential treatment, which makes girls feel inferior or neglected.

When it comes to education, social opportunities, or any other requirement, girls often have fewer opportunities than boys, and this bias generally starts from within the home.

Many parents have a habit of complaining about their children.

They whine or complain about their child in front of other children instead of communicating and striving to nurture responsibly.

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