What are the tasks that I can assign to my son


 What are the tasks that I can assign to my son, provided that they are in line with his skill and his age??

Welcome to all my dear visitors to my child’s world. It is very important for mothers to know that assigning the child to household chores helps teach him responsibility and cooperation, and also greatly helps him to take responsibility and rely on himself. Some studies have even linked helping the child with housework and improving his results in study and work later on, provided that it is appropriate to his skills according to his age. We address this topic in this article in order to help you realize the appropriate tasks that you can assign to your children according to their age

Child: from 2 to 3 years old

household chores

  • Putting toys in the box or shelf designated for them
  • Putting dirty clothes in the laundry basket
  • Throw garbage
  • Folding small towels
  • Bring diapers and wipes
  • Dust off the walls
  • arrange the dining table

The Games

Big jigsaw puzzles, simple musical instruments, puppets and animals

Child: from 4 to 5 years old

Household Chores

  • Folding small towels
  • Arrange his bed and bedroom
  • feed the pets
  • Putting games back in place
  • Prepare snacks
  • sterilization of door handles
  • Wipe up spills
  • plants irrigation
  • Arrange clean silverware
  • Sweeping floors with a manual broom

The Games

Drawing and coloring, maze game, decoding and assembly games in different shapes, football, bouncy bikes, but with additional wheels.

Child: from 6 to 7 years old

Household Chores

  • Folding large towels
  • Wash the dishes and put them back in place
  • garbage collection
  • Empty the dishwasher
  • preparing salad
  • Peeling potatoes and carrots
  • Replacing sanitary pads in the bathroom
  • Matching clean socks
  • Mopping the floors and washing the bathroom
  • Prepare a snack (sandwich).
  • Remove dust from furniture

The Games

Intelligence games, drawing, coloring, sculpting with clay, swimming, football and karate, remote control games.

Child: from 8 to 10 years

Household Chores

  • spread and fold clean clothes
  • Simple meal preparation
  • Shopping and preparing a list of collectibles
  • Kitchen deep cleaning
  • Cleaning dirty clothes
  • Dust off furniture
  • Yard cleaning and spraying
  • arranging purchases
  • scramble
  • Taking dogs for a walk
  • Balcony sweeping
  • clear the table
  • Taking care of little brothers
  • Ridding the garden of weeds
  • Lawn mowers
  • Do simple sewing work (buttons).

The Games

Football, swimming, karate, puzzle games, intelligence and arithmetic games

Child from 10 to 12 years old

Household Tasks

  • bathroom cleaning
  • sweep the carpet
  • Kitchen surface cleaning
  • Lawn mowers
  • bring mail
  • Do simple sewing like buttons
  • Bathroom deep cleaning
  • Kitchen deep cleaning

Child 12 years and over

  • Floor cleaning
  • change lamps
  • Car cleaning and sweeping
  • pruning bushes
  • Wall paint
  • Shopping and preparing a list of purchases
  • Preparing bread or cake
  • Prepare a complete dinner
  • Do simple repairs at home
  • window cleaning
  • Ironing
  • Taking care of younger siblings

For a child from one to two years

Suitable games for him:

Toys must be safer and not able to be eaten and swallowed because the child at this age puts anything inside his mouth and this is normal because he explores things around him and is unaware of the danger. For example: toys that speak sound, cloth dolls, figures of animals and rubber fruits, large cubes.

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