Poor memory of children

Poor memory of children

 Poor memory of children : Here is the solution in very effective ways

some children suffer from poor memory despite their young age, and this is considered by many parents as a big problem, if we all hope that our children will be distinguished and excel in all areas of their lives, as this problem hinders their success and distinction. Therefore, the issue must be addressed from the beginning and not ignored. In this article, we present but the most important directions and methods that help you very much in helping your children to strengthen their memory, because they cannot overcome the situation on their own, so you must intervene immediately and continuously for some time until we notice progress and development.

Some of the most important tips and tricks to help your children strengthen their memory:

1. Repetition, as it is known that repetition is a benefit, so repeating the thing to be remembered helps not to forget it.

2. Exercising helps stimulate blood circulation, which helps improve and stimulate memory.

3. Adequate sleep for your child protects him from memory impairment, helps him to absorb the facts learned during the day, and avoids excessive sleep for your child, as it can cause memory inactivity.

4. It is preferable that the time of the review not be after your child has eaten a heavy meal, so that he can focus on the review, and thus avoid forgetting.

5. When you review your child, you have to help him understand what he is reviewing or provide him with the means for that, and avoid memorizing, for understanding is what establishes the information in his mind.

6. Avoid using the mobile phone unless necessary, because it has an impact on memory impairment. Give it to your child only when reciting the Qur’an or searching for information.

7. Your child's eating a balanced diet helps him revitalize his memory, and protects him from memory impairment. Balanced meals contain protein, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates.

8. There are some foods that help improve children's memory, including omega-3-rich fish such as salmon - tuna - fruits - vegetables - legumes - nuts - boiled eggs - dates that are rich in many vitamins, minerals and salts important to activate your child's memory.

9. Reading to your child aloud since childhood helps him develop his memory, as reading the story to your child with repetition makes the child learn the story, and then he can tell it and develop his memory.

10. Games that stimulate memory also help in strengthening your child's memory.

11. Create a daily routine for your child. Routine helps your child develop memory skills.

12. Reducing watching TV, especially watching cartoons, as excessive TV watching hinders the brain, and this can be replaced by some useful programs and documentaries, which can help in the development of your child's brain.

13. Try to share some intellectual games, such as tangram, because they are very helpful in activating the right and left hemispheres of the brain, as they are very interesting and useful for him.

14. If your child is in school, dedicate daily not long time, about 20-25 minutes, to do a daily class for what is called mental arithmetic, where you share with him the calculation of some simple operations, whether addition, subtraction, multiplication or division according to his age and school level, this helps him well in activating his brain and memorizing Operations and focus.

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