The fetus in the first month of pregnancy

The fetus in the first month of pregnancy: all you need to know

first month of pregnancy

In the first month, your baby can…

  • To make involuntary movements (such as grasping, searching, stomping)
  • to raise his head a little while lying on his stomach; He can keep it raised without any support
  • To move his head from side to side
  • To look directly with his eyes at a nearby target (20 to 30 cm)
  • To stare at things (without reaching them) and prefer to look at shapes, especially black and white ones
  • He sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day and gets up for short periods of time
  • Begins to feel comfortable by putting his fist and fingers in his mouth and sucking on it
  • To feel comfortable hearing his mother's heartbeat when she holds him in her arms
  • To seem enjoying the peace
  • to distinguish one or two people by sound; He prefers high pitched voice, especially singing
  • To know the voice, smell and voice of his mother and father


These are the typical activities or events that are recorded in the first month. But some children experience this at a later stage.

What you have to do:

  • Use your baby's waking periods to talk to him, sing to him, and play with him.
  • Hold your baby in your arms as you sing and sway to the tune of your favorite music. Keep the volume low so that the child does not startle and startle.
  • Keep your face close to your baby's (20 to 25 cm), look him in the eye and encourage him to follow you as you move your face very slowly from right to left or from top to bottom.
  • Start reading to your child. The best books are books with color pictures, simple sentences, rhymed words, and repeated sentences.

Baby care tips:

  • Lay your baby on his back or side whenever you put him to bed, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. This greatly reduces the risk of sudden death in the newborn.
  • Find out if your baby feels comfortable by touching the back of his neck. First make sure your hand is not cold. If his neck is warm, that means he is comfortable. If it is wet, it may mean that you have overheated it. Don't touch your baby's hands...they are usually cold.
  • Do not rock your child for any reason. If you feel frustrated, put your child in his crib or another safe place. Ask your husband or someone else you are helping to take care of him for you for a while.
  • Never leave your child alone on the sofa, bed, changing table or any other high place. The child, even if he is a newborn, will roll or roll... and he may fall.
  • Set the water heater temperature to 49 degrees (or lower) to avoid accidentally burning your child with hot water. Always check the water before you start your baby's bath.
  • Try to distinguish the different ways your baby cries (hunger, wetness, hyperactivity, boredom, tiredness, pain, etc...). This will help you to meet his needs quickly and accurately. Crying is your baby's first language.
  • Install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms and make sure they are working properly.
  • Always use a child seat when you are on a car ride with your child. Make sure the seat is positioned properly and follow the directions to secure the child.

Tips for parents to take care of themselves:

  • Take time off work or consider reducing your work hours if you can
  • Ask your relatives or friends to help you during the first days or weeks at home
  • Nursing mothers should consider special clothing that allows them to breastfeed outside the home properly and comfortably
  • The father should devote a lot of time to cuddling the child. He can hold him on his chest, breastfeed him, or let him sleep on his chest while he is watching TV or reading.

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