3 exercises will give you Flat stomach

Flat stomach: 3 exercises that will take you from 0 to 8 in less than a month

Flat Belly

Have you ever dreamed of changing your body shape? Well, it is possible.

This is a bit of an exaggeration, but I guarantee you can work on sculpting your slim waist.

Let's start with a little anatomy to understand:

What we want is to strengthen the deep abdominal muscles, that is, the transverse and oblique ones, which guarantee you a good posture and a slender stature.

Flat stomach

If you work to strengthen the rectus muscle without paying attention to the transverse muscle, you will not lose weight and your efforts will be in vain. It's like putting a layer of paint on a wall that isn't well insulated, and as soon as it rains you can see the beautiful gray paint peeling and flaking.

So let's work smart:

Lie on your stomach, raise your body on tiptoes with your elbows and arms on the floor, raise your pelvis so that it forms a straight line between your elbows and your toes. Hold this position for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds.

raise your body

An important note: Do not arch your back so as not to injure yourself and do not raise your buttocks upward either.

You will feel a strong heat in the abdomen, and this is normal and means that the exercise succeeds.

If you find the exercise too difficult for you, you can do it with your knees on the floor. The main point here is to feel the heat.

Lie on your back, fold your legs, keeping your feet flat on the floor while your arms are extended along your body. Take a deep breath. When you reach the last inhale, close your nose and mouth and act as if you want to hold the air in the lungs.

Flat stomach

This movement will cause your stomach to drop and your chest to swell, which means that your abdominal muscles will be working. These muscles will increase the contraction of the perineum area.

Hold this position for 3 to 4 seconds, then exhale. Repeat the exercise ten times, two or three times a week.

There is another very useful exercise to get a flat stomach:

Lie on your back, fold your legs while keeping your feet flat on the floor, place the right leg on top of the left leg so that the ankle of the right leg is on the knee of the left leg. Put your hands under your head and raise your chest so that you try to touch your right knee with your left elbow.

Exhale as you raise your body, then breathe in as you return to the lying position. Repeat the movement 10 times, then switch sides.

Rest 30 seconds between each set of 10 times. You have to do three sets of each side, two or three times a week.

If you find the exercise too difficult, you can reduce the number of repetitions and/or the number of sets. The most important thing is to start and gradually increase the difficulty level as the burning feeling subsides.

If you follow this program regularly, results will appear quickly. This is very encouraging. I started seeing my figure slimmer in less than a month thanks to these exercises.

I won't hide from you that it is difficult, especially in the beginning, but it is very effective.

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