Some of the most important foods that increase height in your children

increase height in your children

Dairy products:

Milk and dairy products are the best foods for this purpose, because they contain calcium, proteins and vitamins (A) (B) (D) (E), and it is recommended to have two glasses of milk a day, and to include dairy products in our diet.


Eggs are a good source of protein qualities that contribute to increasing the length of the body, and supporting muscle mass with strength and building.


The banana:

 Bananas are the greatest supporter of human height, thanks to the fact that they contain sources of potassium, manganese, calcium and probiotics, in addition to the presence of sodium, which protects and supports calcium inside the bones.


It is a source of vegetable protein that helps increase height, develop muscle mass, and restore bones, to encourage the creation of new tissues. It should be eaten for breakfast by 50 grams per day.

Nuts and seeds:

Nuts and seeds can be considered human height-supporting snacks, because they contain minerals, fats and amino acids that help repair tissues and promote the creation of new ones, in addition to the presence of nutrients stimulating growth hormone, the most famous of which are peanuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and flax, and they can be eaten with juices and salads.


Fish is a strong and quick boost to increase height, as it is an excellent source of proteins for height, with vitamin D that stimulates calcium absorption, and its most famous products are salmon, tuna and sardines.

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