Newborns: the most important thing I need to know to deal with them well


Some things you need to know about newborns and do not need to be surprised and worried:

The arrival of the new baby home is very wonderful and everyone is waiting for him with love and passion. But Glory be to the Creator, they have characteristics, attributes, and behaviors that are very intuitive and ordinary, but cause some anxiety, surprise and fear in parents at times.

1. Some newborns have a loud chirping sound, which causes anxiety in some parents.

2. The stool of a newborn child is watery and rushes forward with force, especially children who are breast-feeding.

⁣3. Newborn skin may become dry or peeling, this is very normal and will return to normal within a period of several days and not to exceed some weeks.

4. Newborns' nails are long, spoon-like, curved and odd and grow quickly after being cut. Therefore, it must always be cut in order to preserve its safety.

⁣5. Some newborns have swollen breasts (whether they are male or female) due to the transfer of the mother's hormones, there is no need to worry.

6. The presence of a tremor at the level of the lips, especially the lower lip, due to the incomplete development of the nervous system.

7. Pupils Some newborns sleep with their eyes open so slightly that it is possible to see the whites and the eyeballs.

8. In the first period after birth, the baby's feet and hands are in a permanently flexed position.

9. In some children, his head is somewhat strange, but with the adjustment of the way of sleeping, it returns to its nature.

10. A newborn baby sleeps a lot and for intermittent periods.

11. Newborns make strange noises while sleeping.

12. Some newborn babies have a red spot in the middle of the forehead or on the neck called a stork bite.

13. Some newborns love swaddling, and others are irritated by it.

Some mistakes in dealing with newborns that we must avoid:

The most important thing that we can offer to a newborn is to be good and good at dealing with him in a correct manner that ensures his safety and avoiding everything that would harm his little body. So, together, we will learn about the most important mistakes that we must avoid and avoid in our dealings with our newborns.

1. The habit of kissing a newborn on the mouth:

An ugly habit that can lead to the death of your child as a result of infection with herpes or deadly bacteria. Do not hesitate to prevent this matter, as most doctors require this from mothers as soon as they are born.

2. The principle of letting your child cry and do not carry him so that he does not become accustomed to lambs:

Classified as one of the most unjust principles in human history. Because the child is a being that needs love as much as he needs breastfeeding, and many psychological and scientific experiments support and support the theory that the more calm the child is in his childhood, the more psychologically stable he is in his adulthood.

3. Extreme swaddling of an infant:

Swaddling should be by bending it, especially in the area of ​​the feet and legs, because if you swaddle it too tightly, it can lead to dislocation in the pelvic joint area.

4. Sleeping on the stomach:

It is forbidden and very forbidden and dangerous, and all medical academies have prohibited and warned against it. Safe sleep is on the back and the head on the side, taking care to turn the head right or left every period so that it does not take a fixed form. The use of a pillow is prohibited.

5. Delay in changing the baby’s diaper:

Because it leads to a rash in the diaper area, so take it easy. It is correct to rush to change the diaper every period, meaning every 2 to 3 hours.

6. Clean the nappy area from back to front:

And thus bring microbes, germs and bacteria from the anus to the urinary opening..

Thus, the infant's possibility of urinary tract infections increases, the correct way is from front to back.

7. Shaking the baby violently:

This may lead to shaken baby syndrome, which is one of the causes of brain hemorrhage.

8. Set fixed feeding times every 2 or 3 hours:

One of the bad ways to regulate the child’s sleep and breastfeeding is to breastfeed on dates, and the correct way is to let the child decide when to breastfeed and how much to breastfeed, and this action has been proven effective by many studies.

9. The presence of the infant in a place where smoking:

It is one of the most harmful habits and affects the already incomplete lung, thus exposing the child and his lungs to danger.

10. Exaggeration, obsession, and excessive concern for covering the infant:

During cold weather, some mothers dress the baby more than he needs, cover him with more covers than necessary, and make the room a hot bath for the baby. And thus the newborn gets dehydration fever.

11. Washing the infant after birth and having water reach the navel:

It is never recommended to wash the navel in any circumstance because this affects the speed of its fall and its delay in the case of washing.

12. Not caring about the mother's nutrition:

Thus, the amount of milk resulting from breastfeeding decreases, and the breastfeeding mother and her food must be taken care of.

13. If the mother is breast-feeding:

Do not insert a pacifier in the first month because you can wean it or reduce milk production

I wait until after the month.

Important tips for dealing with newborns:

 The first stage immediately after birth is one of the most important stages in the life of the infant, as it must be dealt with in a correct and proper manner to maintain its safety.

Here are some tips to be good at dealing with the baby:

1. In the first period immediately after birth, the infant may remain calm, asleep and less alert for two weeks or more. You are required to wake him up by any means and breastfeed him so that he does not get drunk and this is a danger to his life at this stage.

2. After the first weeks, you will find him screaming and crying a lot. It's okay, it's still new and not used to light, sounds, changing temperatures, touch and clothes, all of this is new to him and takes some time to get used to. All you have to do is be patient.

3. If you are breastfeeding, you should know that breastfeeding on demand does not have to be every two hours, and please take care of personal hygiene, and the smell of perfume is also useless because his sense of smell is very strong and these strong smells make him anxious throughout the breastfeeding period.

4. With breastfeeding, we reduce as much as possible from drinking coffee or Nescafe because it reaches the infant through breast milk and causes his nervousness. It is also recommended that you stay away from hot spices and any that would cause gas such as cabbage and broccoli.

5. If he is artificially breastfed, arrange his feedings every two or three hours at least for the first 3 months, then you can give him whenever he asks. And the feeding is with boiled water, then we serve it warm, especially in the winter with the cold weather.

6. After each feeding, do not forget to use a cotton napkin moistened with warm water and wipe under his neck, above and under the armpit, and then dry these places well so as not to be surprised by infections and abrasions that may affect your baby if they do not dry well.

7. Do not wash the baby’s clothes with strong-smelling materials and containing chemicals, because he has a strong sense of smell, and strong smells, whether good or bad, harm his sinuses and make him unable to smell your smell that he is used to and which makes him feel safe and thus leads to cinnamon and continuous screaming. .

8. It is very important not to leave the diaper full for a long time on his skin in order to avoid chafing and wash it well with warm water. It is better not to use any kind of talc because its particles enter the nose and may cause sensitivity in the chest in the long run. Use creams Children containing zinc oxide.

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