Children and studying: How do you make your child able to start studying his lessons on his own???

Children and studying

How do you make your child able to start studying his lessons on his own???

Due to the complaints of many mothers about the subject of studying, wanting their children to rely on themselves and study on their own, we inform you that your constant assignment to complete the tasks that your child must perform despite his ability to do them himself sends an unintended message that you do not trust his abilities, and the result is a child who lacks independence He is also unable to complete tasks commensurate with his age, which sometimes leads to what is called learned helplessness.

First of all, we must know when the child begins to be able to study on his own??

Experts emphasized that at the end of the basic stage, i.e. from the age of about ten years, the child must rely on himself to study completely, and use the mother only in the parts that are difficult for him to understand alone. To the extent that he can study and search for solutions and answers on his own without anyone's help.

You have to do the following to encourage them to study on their own:

Create the right place:

A suitable place must be created for the child to help him focus and study so that this place is far from noise and away from sources of distraction such as games, television, computer and others.

The child's need for encouragement and support to accomplish his tasks:

 Praise him when he completes a task using phrases of praise even if he makes a mistake Before telling your child that he did the task wrong encourage him, if your child wears his shoes the wrong way tell him you put your shoes on, good job, then correct the shoes, and say I bet you will wear them correctly tomorrow Don't be disdainful From his efforts, also give notice to your child that he has become big and responsible. Inform your child that he can do some things on his own without having to go back to you, and use some appropriate phrases for this situation and in a comfortable and affectionate manner such as I am sorry I was treating you like a small child but now you are ready to accomplish some Senior children jobs.

Avoid swear words:

 Criticism or loud style, such as you are no longer a child can do this on your own, as the child is sensitive to these words in this age group.

Define the tasks assigned to him:

Make a list of the things that your child can do on his own so that he can do them, and avoid not exaggerating pressure on the son by studying at all times, so you have to divide the time between playing, recreation and studying. Which makes him regain his focus again.

Start with the most important, then the important:

Set the targeted priorities for your child, do not distract him and focus and pour all the lessons together in front of him, but you must start by dealing with one element at a time so that it is easier for him and he does not get distracted, and the mother can help her son from time to time in reviewing what he has studied and clarifying some Hard points it.

Follow-up required:

Following up on the son’s level with the class teacher in the different educational stages is very important, so that every mother can know her son’s shortcomings and treat them at an early stage. And you can use rewards and incentives whenever you notice a development, even a small one, keep them and present them to him, whether material or moral, such as practicing a specific hobby.

Do not put too much pressure:

Make the topic of homework fun, and appreciate the circumstances your child is going through. If he is tired, sick, or adjusting to change, this is not the time to introduce him to new responsibilities. If your child refuses to perform a task, negotiate with him and divide the task between you, and over time, he will gradually get used to and become able to do the entire task on his own.

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