Important points that indicate the intelligence of the child

intelligence of the child

The first five years of a child's life are the most important in his life, and they are the years in which his personality is built, so attention must be paid to developing his skills and abilities. Most children are born with advanced innate skills, and parents can highlight and develop them properly or work to hide them completely without realizing.. Intelligence is an innate ability that includes many things, including the ability to think, plan, analyze and understand difficult matters, and benefit from experiences, and intelligence has many forms and The most important of them are linguistic intelligence, musical intelligence, mathematical intelligence, mathematics intelligence, social intelligence, and natural intelligence.

Due to the environment surrounding him, which in turn enhances the role of the child’s neural programming, and his field of intelligence is highlighted by a number of signs and signals that clarify this.

Here are the most prominent signs that indicate a child's intelligence:

Unbridled curiosity:

 The intelligent child has a strong curiosity to know anything and understand anything at any time and uses all means to reach his goal. In an effort to explore everything new in his surroundings in all its details, and here he repeats the questions until he is convinced of the answers. Parents must answer him and not suppress him because this helps increase his intelligence and develop his skills. This appears especially after the first four years of his life and he is asked about everything he is going through or facing in terms of matters. Parents must, of course, pay attention to answering all his questions, no matter what.

Ask questions:

 At the age of infancy, specifically from the age of four years, the child can speak clearly and smoothly. One of the characteristics of a smart child is that he frequently asks about everything he notices or suddenly comes to his mind, or remembers something that has been a while but has not forgotten as he asks about it and does not want to keep something stuck in his mind Without asking about it, yes, his inquiry about things that have passed and are still present in his mind and thinking, and the number of inquiries regarding one topic. He always asks a lot about how many, if and why, and of course, according to the answers he receives, other questions arise from him without getting bored or tired, on the contrary.


The child begins to imitate his parents and family at an advanced age, and notices him trying to repeat the movements around him, and then begins to imitate sounds until he reaches to imitate speech (and here most people resent this behavior when it is a sign of his intelligence), and the way of eating, and then focus on Show good behavior in front of the child because the child is the mirror of his parents.

The strength of observation:

The child is usually clear of his mind and increases his concentration, so he notices the simple changes around him and begins to ask about them. Here, his strength of observation and concentration can be tested by moving some pieces of furniture in the house that he must notice, or the absence of a family member or hiding a toy from his toys. And asking him about accurate questions, and his love for games of jaw and assembly, and his inclination to choose children who are older than him.

little sleep:

 A smart child sleeps less so that he has more time for play, activity, movement and exploration. It turns out that smart children sleep fewer hours than others, which gives them enough time to talk, move, and imitate actions for adults, and this will enhance their intelligence level more.

Communication strength:

Although parents sometimes appear annoyed by the child’s frequent speech and communication with them, especially in the first years of his life, in fact, it is one of the signs of his intelligence, as he tries to develop his language skills well and constantly tries to draw attention. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to the child and conduct an effective and useful dialogue with him.

Experience love:

The child has a tremendous ability to love experiment and rush towards new things in order to discover without the slightest thought or analysis because the child does not know fear despite his young age, but is distinguished by his feet. The child's boredom and discomfort with routine and repetitive work, and his constant love for discovery and understanding. We must contain it and direct it properly without reprimanding or punishing it.

Adhering to his desires:

Some children give up quickly if they can't get what they want or if their parents don't meet their demands. While the intelligent child tries to adhere to his desire strongly, thinking that his choice is right, here the parents must be sufficiently aware to preserve the child's personality and choices in a sound manner and help him make the appropriate decision. Because his adherence to this means that he will not stop at the obstacles facing him.

Children's recognition of the emotions and feelings of others:

A study conducted at Brigham Young University confirmed that infants have the ability to distinguish the fluctuations of feelings and moods from the people around them, by distinguishing the sounds of anger and joy.

Children's understanding of the meanings of words:

Where a study at the University of Pennsylvania confirmed that children are distinguished by their ability to focus on the pictures that were shown to them, which requires parents to talk to their children between 4-9 months.

Children's brain development when they listen to music:

Some research shows that infants are able to interact with music through their practice

The movements of their hands and feet and the development of their various communication skills.

Their understanding of the meaning of fairness and equivalence:

Children under the age of 155 months understand the meaning of parity among themselves, according to studies conducted at the University of Washington.

The emergence of the child and drawing attention to him:

Especially if he is among a group of children of the same age. We are usually attracted by the way he plays with colors and his ability to play with them in a striking way, in addition to his love of independence, working alone, and his refusal to play with anyone with his possessions. The child's stubbornness and his failure to respond to the opinion of his parents because of his conviction in his opinion.

The emergence of motor ability and his ability to practice some sports movements, and to speak at an early age.

The speed of his memorization of information and his repetition of it, as if he memorized something from the Noble Qur’an.

Defending himself and taking his right alone, especially in the first five years of his life.

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