The reasons behind the lack of sleep in the infant

lack of sleep in the infant

 The reasons behind the lack of sleep in the infant and some solutions to the issue

During pregnancy, parents eagerly await the arrival of their child in this life, and they cannot imagine their new life with him, but the first period of the arrival of the infant may be somewhat difficult for them, as they did not imagine that they would be deprived of sleep for several months, so the duration of Sleep and its number of hours vary from one child to another. Some children do not sleep at night and even during the day, but the infant’s lack of sleep or lack of sleep may be a problem in itself for the parents and the infant itself, so the reasons behind this must be identified, in addition to some suggested ways to treat this problem. .

The main reasons behind the lack of sleep and insomnia in infants:

 The infant's inability to differentiate between day and night:

After spending nine months in the darkened womb, infants cannot tell the time, so most of them sleep during the day and wake up at night, and this problem may persist for several months.

 Hyperactivity before bed

Doing any physical activity or movement and other excitement (such as verbal interaction) that leads to an increase in the speed of the nervous system before going to sleep makes the child awake for a period of time, so researchers advise parents to keep the last two hours before bedtime calm.

 Rapid intervention during sleep:

Children often make noises during sleep, or they may start crying for a short period, if the mother intervenes quickly by carrying the infant, she will find that she woke him up from sleep.

 Baby feeling very tired:

Sometimes when the infant stays awake for more than three hours continuously, he may start to feel tired and exhausted, which causes him to look like insomnia and thus his inability to sleep.

Uncomfortable clothes cause him discomfort:

Also, if the child cannot sleep or cries for an unknown reason, the first thing the mother does is search his clothes, there may be something bothering him (hair, thread, tight clothes, the shirt that comes on the neck with the size and brand).

Vaccinations (vaccines):

For the post-vaccine period, the child’s soreness continues with swelling at the vaccination site and the heat it causes for a period of three to four days. The use of compresses and antipyretic relieve him.


Imagine when a molar hurts you or when wisdom teeth grow in adults, how the pain is. Imagine this pain at that little creature who still doesn't say anything and is still in the tiger stage.

Intense light in a small bedroom:

The light in the little one's bedroom should be very dim to ensure his calm and comfort, because the intense light causes him to disturb his sleep and disturb his sleep.

Feel cold or hot:

His clothes may be too thin and make him cold, or his woolen clothes make him hot. The weather must be taken into account well and the amount of clothing that he must wear and must suit the climate.

Noises and annoying sounds:

The little one like us can't sleep because of the noise and annoying sounds, so give him comfort and calm.

Sudden illness of the child:

The process of growth in a child, especially at the beginning of his life, occurs in a very natural way, many diseases that contribute to the growth process, such as diarrhea, high fever, teething and some pains that steal the child’s sleep and comfort. We must be ready to intervene to help him immediately and immediately.

Getting used to the pacifier:

If your little one is used to a pacifier while he sleeps, every time it falls from it, he will wake up to warn you that he wants it.

Getting used to pregnancy and shaking:

Also, getting used to shaking also disturbs his sleep. If he wakes up and does not find himself shaking, he will be disturbed.

Miss his mom:

Many young children like to sleep next to their mother. There is a simple trick. Put a piece of your unwashed clothes next to the little one to smell your scent. This will comfort him and reassure him.

 Baby feeling hungry

Just like adults, if the infant feels hungry or not satisfied, he will stay awake until he feels full. Make sure that your baby is breastfed enough to enjoy a peaceful sleep.

Sleep problems in infants cannot be treated the same as sleeping problems in older children. Researchers indicate that a sleep method that depends on ignoring the crying of the child does not work for infants under the age of six months, but this does not mean that there are no solutions at all. There are some tricks and techniques that can be used with infants to help them sleep.

Difficulty sleeping in my baby: important tips to avoid it:

Sleep disorders in a child are one of the common problems that mothers complain of, especially in newborns until they reach the third month, and this is evident by their frequent awakening during the night and their interrupted sleep most of the time. In many cases, the infant wakes up crying for reasons that are known to be obvious for this age, such as being hungry or needing a nappy change.

Doctors indicate that the child’s need for sleep in the first months is between 16-20 hours a day until he reaches his first year, and then the number of these hours decreases to reach between 14-16 hours. In the second year, it needs 14 hours to decrease to 12 hours until it reaches the sixth year.

This information does not apply to all children, as some children need fewer hours. The infant is often exposed to the problem of colic and not adapting to the surrounding environment, such as the temperature of the room in which he sleeps. Also, some children like to sleep in an atmosphere of noise and some like to be quiet.

For these reasons, the mother should know the appropriate atmosphere for her child to start training him to sleep and wake up at specific hours, but this requires her to have a strong desire when deciding to organize her baby’s sleep because there are no general rules that are suitable for all infants.

Some ideas that help mothers reduce the problem of difficulty in sleeping their infant:

Create the right place for the baby to sleep by heating the bed using a hot water bottle

He lifted it before placing the infant in his bed.

Creating the appropriate atmosphere for a baby’s sleep according to his nature. There are, for example, some sounds that calm him and help him sleep, or he may like to sleep in the light, or vice versa.

leave the child and not

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