Precautions to be taken to avoid food poisoning during pregnancy

food poisoning

Whether you are pregnant or cooking for a pregnant woman, be sure to take the following precautions to avoid food poisoning.

Wash fruits and vegetables with water before eating them raw, cutting them or cooking them. This step also applies to fruits and vegetables that need to be peeled, so that the knife used can transfer bacteria from the surface of the peel to the pulp.

  • Use a brush designed to clean the fruits and vegetables that are eaten with their peels well (eg: apples, cucumbers, carrots).
  • Wash herbs like basil, rosemary, and thyme before adding them to dishes.
  • Use a clean cloth or paper towel to dry the washed food.
  • Avoid any contact between raw meat and other foods.
  • Cook meat, fish, seafood, eggs, and sprouted grains right before you eat them.

Eat either completely hot or completely cold.

  • Defrost frozen foods by moving them from the refrigerator to the refrigerator, and do not thaw them at room temperature.
  • Use different utensils, cutting boards, and plates for raw foods than you would for cooked foods.
  • Wash hands and surfaces in hot, soapy water before cooking and after handling raw meat.
  • Clean up any liquid leaking from meat in the refrigerator right away.
  • Change kitchen towels frequently during the week.
  • Other precautions to take to avoid toxoplasmosis
  • If you own a cat, the cat may be a carrier of toxoplasmosis and can pass it on to you through its feces. For this reason, avoid cleaning the litter box yourself. If no one else can do this for you, wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after doing so.

Since animal droppings can be found in garden soil, it's a good idea to wear gloves when tending plants or when you have to touch soil or sand. Also, don't forget to thoroughly clean fruits and vegetables that have come into contact with the soil.

Remember well

Food infection can have serious consequences, including fetal death, hence the importance of taking all possible precautions.

It is very important to wash fruits and vegetables well and cook meat, fish and eggs that a pregnant woman eats well.

If possible, pregnant women should avoid cleaning the cat litter box.

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