How to reduce the risk of a child being born with (Down's view)


Every mother must be terrified by the idea of ​​her child being born a Mongolian, i.e. with Down syndrome. In order to reduce the child's infection with Down syndrome, this is what every mother should do:

Mongoloid or Down syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality caused by fertilization with a congenital defective egg or sperm.

This situation is more common in children born to elderly parents. The reason is that these parents have been exposed to more pollutants and the damage caused to humans by an unhealthy lifestyle such as psychological pressure, alcohol, bad diet, and so on..

The quality of a woman's egg decreases with age, and this increases the likelihood of having a Mongolian boy.

But whatever your age or your spouse's age, you can reduce the risk by minimizing all the things that harm your body and by increasing all the elements that improve your health.

A higher level of homocysteine, a substance your body naturally makes, increases your chance of having a Mongolian baby.

Toxic metals are found in the atmosphere, food, and soil.

In the last 100 years the rate of these toxic metals has risen sharply and in many cases you find them exceeding the body's ability to remove them from it.

Here are some of what you can do to reduce your exposure to it to a minimum.

  • Remove the outer leafs from the vegetables and wash all the fruits in a vinegar solution to remove contaminants (it is enough to add a teaspoon of vinegar to the bowl of water in which you put your vegetables).
  • Avoid aluminum and copper utensils, and do not cover food with aluminum foil. If you do, place wax paper between the food and aluminum foil.
  • Avoid canned foods that may be contaminated with lead or aluminum.
  • Limit or avoid drinking alcohol entirely during and before pregnancy, as it increases the absorption of cadmium and lead.
  • Avoid stomach acid medications because they may contain aluminum salts.
  • Avoid refined foods as they lack nutrients that fight toxic toxins.
  • Check if the water pipes in your home are made of lead or copper. If so, do not use a filter that removes minerals from the water. Water that has been demineralised, in which lead or copper is easily dissolved.
  • Take a supplement containing folic acid, B vitamins and antioxidants to reduce homocysteine ​​levels.

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