Nervous mother with children - steps to reduce

Nervous mother

Mother's nervousness with children: practical steps to reduce and get rid of it in dealing with the child

Perhaps the troubles of life and the daily and life pressures make the mother tense and thus nervous in dealing with her children, but this constitutes a problem and an obstacle to his upbringing the correct and proper education that the child needs. We have chosen for you, our followers, this topic for this article, and we will show you the most important practical steps to reduce nervousness in mothers with children and to abandon them completely. Follow to the end.

What are the things that cause and increase the nervousness of mothers??

1. He is a stubborn child, does not hear words, does not read, is disorganized, moves a lot, runs and quarrels with his brothers, does not care about his studies, quarrels with children, does not accept his food, does not sleep on his time, I always run after him to do his homework.

2. One of the important things is that my husband does not share with me all these things, as he does not care about what is going on in the house, whether near or far.

3. Also, my husband's mother and father provide everything for my children, which causes their opinions to conflict with my views on education.

4. The external environment, circumstances and the difficulty of life, all of this is a major reason that increases mothers' nervousness and raises their stress and anxiety.

All the things we mentioned are major reasons that raise the rate of nervousness in mothers and sisters

But is the solution to be intolerant and scream and hit??

of course no. Are you trying to vent your anger in these wrong ways (hitting, shouting, nervous)?? .

Yes, most mothers use these methods to relieve their tension and inability to face and solve their problems.

Then you must think in a logical way to stop this hateful and annoying behavior for you and your children.

Most mothers attribute the reason for their nervousness to the behavior and behavior of their children and blame it on it.

Unfortunately, mother, your child has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Simply just because he is a child and he wants to live his childhood and his realization is incomplete and immature yet.

Why do you treat him as big and aware of everything?? He only perceives and understands in proportion to the development of his brain.

How do you ask him for things you can't do?? How can a child control his emotions and control his affairs while you lose your temper over trivial and simple matters??

Is it possible for a child to learn easily, or does it need time and effort to build his personality correctly??

If you are nervous and your child is nervous, can you change your child’s nervousness while you are nervous and say my son is nervous, what should I do?? It can't be done at all.

These are some practical steps to reduce mother's nervousness with children

The mother must bear in mind the fact that the children are not to blame for the pressures she suffers that makes her tense and nervous.

Mothers should remember that scientific studies have proven that a child’s exposure to tantrums from his family, beatings and nervousness makes him more vulnerable to serious mental illnesses, depression, suicidal tendency and desire for loneliness.

At the beginning of each day, the mother can promise herself not to insult or abuse her child, no matter what mistakes he commits, and not to hit him at all, and not to scream at him or quarrel with him.

The mother should always remind herself that her children are still in the stage of exploring the world around them, and it is natural at this stage that they enjoy activity and start and have a lot of curiosity and desire for continuous movement and activity, and she should be happy because her child is healthy and can explore the world around him .

To avoid being provoked by children and making a mistake that endangers them or damages something in the home, it is important to prepare a suitable place for them away from breakable things or sources of danger to their lives so that they can play safely and without their nerves being tense and tight.

If one of her children makes a simple mistake that isn't life-threatening, she can pretend she didn't notice what he did.

If the child notices that she saw him, you must take a position, otherwise he thinks that what he did is right, but you must change her situation before you start punishing him in order to be calmer, and remember that the goal of punishment is to correct the behavior and not to torture the child.

If the mother succeeds in controlling her emotions in the face of the child’s mistakes or provoking her, she can reward herself in order to motivate her to control her nerves and not give in to anger.

If the mother fails once or twice to control her nerves, she should not despair and think that she is a failed mother or despair of being more calm, but she must calm herself and say if she fails this time, I will succeed next time.

It is important for the mother to recognize the positive aspects in her children and praise them when they do something right or notice that they learned from their mistake and did not repeat it, and tell the father of the child in front of him that he acted in the right way and brag about it with him in order to encourage him to continue the good behavior.

 Nervous mothers have negative effects, so how can we abandon them completely??

There are no quick solutions or a magic recipe that makes us calm because the topic is complex and contains many details. We really need a process of change, and the subject of change depends on your ability and your internal readiness for change, for God Almighty says (God does not change what is in a people until they change what is in themselves). No one can control your thoughts and change the nature of your life. These things belong to you. The solution lies within you.. As each person has different circumstances than the other, there may be a reason for me to become intolerant and become nervous and not make you nervous, for the effects are different and differ according to your thought and approach to Life, then, is a method of nervousness, even if its result is one, which is that you are nervous, but the causes are many and many, and we have to understand and know them in order to avoid them and work to leave them.

How can I get rid of my nerve???

Abandon your nervousness and control your nerves so that your son learns from you how to deal with things? You can do this if the following is available

That you have a clear goal lies in modifying your wrong behavior, and this includes your determination, will, and belief in yourself.

That you decide and intend to change and get rid of the method of nervousness and refrain from throwing the reason at the children and say that my nervousness is from my children, you are the old and he is young. Some nervousness is caused by a characteristic rooted in the soul since childhood days. Now, unconsciously, he acts in an aggressive manner, a reflection of old negative messages that provoke his memory from where he does not feel.

If the trait of nervousness is inherited from childhood, then you can get rid of it if you sincerely resolve to do so. It is related to your belief. Change starts from within you.

One of the causes of nervousness, stress and depression is the lack of magnesium and zinc in the body, which makes the serotonin hormone low. Neurotransmitters are the ones that control this.

You can organize your time at home and allocate time for yourself in which you can relax by the process of meditation, which makes your organs stretch smoothly in order to feel internal comfort.

Listening to the Noble Qur’an is one of the solutions that make you psychologically stable.

Whenever you feel that you will become nervous, try to repeat these veins. I ask forgiveness of God, my Lord, and repent to Him and repeat them often, until you feel stability.

Getting enough sleep and playing sports is one of the most important reasons that make you calm because it increases the level of serotonin in the body.

Stay away from the phone by blocking the Internet at home, especially if you are teaching your children, as the Internet is one of the causes of tension at home.

Stay away from marital disputes and resolve them in a calm manner away from tension and shouting.

 Eat nuts, especially almonds, because it increases the level of serotonin in the body.

Regularly praying on time and reading the Noble Qur’an every day, even a small part, makes you feel comfortable and stable

Increasing your knowledge of the arts of psychological and religious education for the child because it makes you distinguish between what is normal and abnormal in your children's behavior.

Read books that talk about how to get rid of nervousness, know its causes, and watch videos on this matter.

We should not forget that the person who used to be nervous and screaming for years, this trait has taken root and become entrenched in his personality and has become an integral part of his way of life. Our thoughts and our way of thinking, and let us know that there is nothing difficult in life as long as the will exists.

The four elements that improve mood and get rid of depression are zinc, vitamin B6, magnesium and omega 3.

Everything mentioned in this article can very well help you to get rid of your excessive nervousness, provided that you are prepared for that.

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