Your child is not eating, has a weak appetite, is thin, and has a pale face. Follow these important tips:

child is not eating

Your child is not eating, has a weak appetite, is thin, and has a pale face. Follow these important tips:

Many mothers complain that their child does not eat, has a weak appetite, a pale face, and is ignorant of the reasons and is not able to act in such situations. This is our topic for this article, and here are the most important things you should know about this topic:

1. We do a stool analysis for the child periodically every 4 months to check on the stomach from worms, parasites or indigestion, and we treat if it is found in the correct doses because this issue is repetitive, so the doses must be complete and exact, and we avoid neglect, especially in the issue of indigestion.

2. The stomach of a small child is not like the stomach of an adult. A child will not eat large quantities like an adult. A small amount is enough to satisfy his small stomach and is sufficient for him to grow and grow.

3. Children the most important thing in their lives is playing, but the arrangement of the food that the mother gets tired of preparing does not matter to him, so try to feed your children in stages, and whenever they are tired of playing and need to eat, do not deprive them of their passion and play.

4. It is not a requirement that the children eat your food and sit with you at the table and share these happy moments in his early years with you. Return to him, but with a desire and not a compulsion.

5. The children’s body, like the adults’ body, has a burning machine, where it suffers from weakness, thinness and loss of appetite for some time, which are very normal things, especially with teething, growth, gas and other things. We just need to deal with this stage with awareness and intelligence.

6. The best of food is what is small and useful. It is not necessary to eat all the food. Protein can be in more than one meal. It is not a requirement that he eat meat, for example. Protein is available in other foods.

If he gets his needs of carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats and vitamins from a certain food, then this is very excellent. It is not necessary for him to eat all kinds of food.

Calcium is taken from cheese and vegetables, so do not force him to drink milk that he does not like. Don't complicate things.

7. It is normal for your child to be weak and thin in the first 5 years. This is normal and normal.

8. Avoid your child's antibiotics as much as possible. Stay away from antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. Unless the pediatrician confirms it and insists on it.

9. Your child grows, grows, ages, gets tired, and all his organs and organs grow, his body gets tougher. Your child cries and plays. Sometimes he is naughty and does a great deal of effort.

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