Common mistakes with newborns: Pay close attention to them and avoid them



Many mistakes in dealing with infants that many mothers do not know and apply in their daily lives, we will show you in this article and invite you to avoid them.

The most common mistakes in dealing with newborns:

Ignore the child when he cries:

The behavior causes the child to feel anxious and insecure. But the baby can be left to cry a little before being carried quickly, as sometimes he calms down on his own.

Do not allow kissing a child:

The mother should not allow others to hug and kiss the newborn before it is three or four months old, to leave a chance for the baby's immune system to develop.

Delay in changing a child's diaper:

And the mother should know that this may lead to the child developing a rash and sometimes urinary tract infections.

Shake baby:

It has now become a confirmed scientific fact that shaking a child poses a real danger to his health, and may reach internal bleeding or death, God forbid.

Swaddling: (wrap the baby tightly inside his clothes or blanket):

While swaddling does not represent a problem if the mother is attentive and accompanies the child, especially in cases of colic, it may become dangerous if you leave the child sleeping without follow-up, and one of its most serious consequences is the child’s suffocation.

Cleaning the baby from back to front when changing the nappy:

This helps the transmission of microbes from the anus to the vagina and urine output opening, and this practice may lead to severe infections in the urinary system.

Keeping the baby's head in one position at night:

The child is not able to move his neck in the first months of life, and the continued position of the child in one position during his sleep with his inability to move may lead to a flat spot in the child’s head. Therefore, when feeding the child or changing his diaper, it is preferable to put him back in a different position

Keeping the child indoors:

This is one of the prevalent misconceptions, as the child's exit in the appropriate atmosphere to the open spaces improves his health.

Restricting the feeding of the child to specific dates:

It is normal for a newborn to need to breastfeed every two to three hours, but the child should never be abused to adhere to these appointments.

Child punishment:

Its purpose is usually to discipline the child, and forbid him from certain behaviors, but this is never logical or effective before the child learns the meaning of the word “no”, before completing two years of age.

Using a pillow under the child's head, no matter how thin:

This point is very serious; Because the use of these pillows threatens the newborn with suffocation, in addition to the fact that the newborn at this age does not even need them to feel comfortable.

Smoking next to a child:

Whether by the mother, father or any other person, the small size of the newborn doubles the effects of the toxins in cigarette smoke on his body.

Home dealing with diseases of newborns and taking advice from those around and friends without referring to the doctor, especially at this critical age

Forgetting to burp (drowsing):

Especially after night feedings, where fatigue and exhaustion dominate the mother, and this forgetfulness leads to the accumulation of air in the newborn’s stomach, which causes colic and crying, and deprives the mother of sleep.

Leaving the baby to sleep on his stomach after feeding:

(Without noticing from the mother) to get rid of gas, which may expose the baby to sudden infant death syndrome.

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